How do you allow a function to accept a reference of a double array ? For example:
MyFunc(uint x, uint y, float2[][] myArray) {}
I get unexpected [
error does it allow reference passes like this?
I am trying to pass this to my function:
float2 _switchBuffer[2][128]
float2 _switchBuffer[2][256]`
This is declared as one of my properties that the entire shader has access to so i need the kernel to pass the relevant switchbuffer to the functions.
So i have something like:
void FFT128 (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { Test(id.xy, 3, _switchBuffer128); }
void FFT256 (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { FFT1D(id.xy, 3, _swotchBuffer256); }