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Sep 27, 2017 at 18:05 comment added Alan Wolfe I'm surprised you can't get a ground truth due to a field of view setting. Can you excplain? Anyways, another idea that may or may not work out is to use the image you have as a super sampled ground truth image: shrink it down to like 1/4 size or smaller using good filtering to minimize aliasing. Next, take the source image and shrink it down to the same size using bad filtering that causes aliasing. next use your AA techniques and compare them against the ground truth you have. Another option that may work is to use a different image to test AA on, one you can get a ground truth for.
Sep 27, 2017 at 14:51 comment added Alan Wolfe There may be some way but I don't know of one. The problem with aliasing is that information is lost, which is hard to detect after the fact.
Sep 27, 2017 at 9:33 comment added Simon F WRT to generating the Ground Truth, make sure you don't down sample with a box filter. You could to 10k samples per pixel and still have aliasing.
Sep 27, 2017 at 8:45 comment added Varun Vijaykumar Unfortunately in my case, there is no ground truth image available. We cannot get these images due to some issues related to Field of View of the images. Is there any other way we can use the results and do the comparisons against each other ?
Sep 26, 2017 at 17:54 history answered Alan Wolfe CC BY-SA 3.0