The Answer That was Here Originally
If you don't have an sdf but a function that underestimates the distance then I would use $$p^{k+1}_i = p^k_i - \theta^k_i g(p^k_i) \frac{\nabla g(p^k_i)}{\|\nabla g(p^k_i)\|_2}.$$ The convergence would be slower depending on how much $g$ underestimates the real distance. To accelerate both methods you can use something like a heavy-ball method, or also look at (nonlinear) conjugate gradients to handle more unpleasant sdfs. If your sdf is non-differentiable then maybe subgradient descent may be useful.
Summary for Implementation Purposes
Edit: I provided some more details in the non-differentiable setting below.
- For a density function $g$, generate points from a normal distribution $\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$. Do a subsequent pass to filter out the boundary points: $x,y$ are (fuzzy) boundary points if $\|x-y\|<2R$ and $g(x)<0$, $g(y)> 0$ or $g(x)>0$, $g(y)<0$. You can refine the boundary by studying $z = (1-t)x + ty$ and performing a bisection search for $t\in[0,1]$ with the goal to tighten the bound. If $f$ is an SDF (or not too far from an exact SDF) then $|g(x)|<R$ can be used as a criterion that does not refer to other points, then you can reject all other points and you don't need two passes.
- Pros: Makes no additional assumptions.
- Cons: Can happen to be extremely slow.
- Modifications: Larger $R$ allows working with fewer points but makes the boundary fuzzier. Low-discrepancy sequences may help if the sets $\{x\,|\,g(x)<0\}$ and $\{x\,|\, g(x)>0\}$ are regular enough. A good choice of $\mu,\sigma^2$ can improve the convergence speed. If you can estimate a bounding sphere/box that contains one of the above sets you can use a uniform distribution and generate points only there. In the latter case you could also use a regular grid or an adaptive structure such as an octree.
- If your function is totally differentiable you can use Newton-Raphson/gradient descent as $x^{k+1} = x^k - \frac{\theta^k g(x^k)}{\|\nabla g(x^k)\|^2_2}\nabla g(x^k)$. For an SDF $\|\nabla g(x^k)\|_2=1$ so the denominator disappears. If $g$ is an SDBF then using $x^{k+1} = x^k - \frac{\theta^k g(x^k)}{\|\nabla g(x^k)\|^2}\nabla g(x^k)$ may be reasonable. If the iterates oscillate too much you can damp by picking $\theta^k<1$.
- Pros: It should be quite performant. You could initialize with the random approach from above, and then update the points by using Newton-Raphson.
- Cons: Assumes total differentiability and requires evaluating the gradient. Newton/gradient descent does not necessarily converge if the step size is too large - you can damp through $\theta^k$. Even if you damp the step size the method may still get stuck in a local minimum for nasty densities or SDBFs.
- Modifications: You can look into conjugate gradients (for nasty densities that may have features like the Rosencbrock function) and stochastic gradient descent. By the latter I don't mean it in the ML sense, I mean it in adding randomness to potentially avoid getting stuck at minima, but add the noise such that in expectation it is the true gradient. This is like optimizing a function that has been convolved with the probability density of the randomness. You decrease the randomness in later iterations.
- If your function is totally differentiable and you have a point on the boundary then you could try to construct new points on the surface starting from it. This is similar to numerical continuation. You generate some points in the tangent space (the tangent space at $x$ is $T_xg^{-1}[0] =\{y\,|\,\nabla g(x)^T(y-x) = 0\}$) and then project them down to the surface (e.g. using Newton/gradient descent again). And you repeat that process recursively.
- Pros: More efficient than just Newton applied to random points.
- Cons: This is a rather sequential approach. But you can run several realizations simultaneously starting from different points.
- Modifications: How far the points are generated in different directions on the tangent space should ideally depend on the curvature, but you need the second derivatives for that. You can also just generate points in a ball around $x$ instead of in the tangent space if that is too tedious.
- If your function is not differentiable but it is locally Lipschitz continuous (a standard setting for SDBFs) then you can use the Clarke subgradient instead of the gradient. You can find an illustration of this as well as automatic differentiation here and here
- Pros: Works even if your function is not totally differentiable (e.g. if you use $\min$, $\max$, $|\cdot|$). For more details see: "Understanding Notions of Stationarity in Non-Smooth Optimization" by Li et al.
- Cons: Convergence is actually not guaranteed unless you have some regularity assumptions. Probably nothing much to worry about in your setting though.
- You can use finite differences to approximate the gradient and use that for the "gradient" descent. Even if the function is not totally differentiable you could also just generate points in the neighbourhood of the current one and check at which the function decreases, and use that. The latter is like using directional derivatives for the descent.
- Pros: You don't need to know anything except the function $g$, so no automatic differentiation or analytical derivations of the gradient required.
- Cons: If you don't pick your $\epsilon$ in the finite differences appropriately it can have a strong negative effect. You require multiple function evaluations for estimating the gradient.
0-th Order Oracle
Suppose you have a function $g:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ that you can only evaluate the value of at arbitrary points (i.e. a zero-th order oracle) and you want to construct a point cloud for the set where $g$ is negative: \begin{align} \Omega &= \{x\in\mathbb{R}^n\,|\, g(x) < 0\}. \end{align} Note - here I don't even assume that $g^{-1}[0] = \partial\Omega$.
With only access to $g$ and without any additional assumptions you can perform rejection sampling. For instance you could sample points from the normal distribution $x_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2 I)$. If $g(x_i)\leq 0$ you accept the point $x_i$, otherwise you reject it. If $\Omega$ has a non-zero $n$-volume, then in infinite time you will be able to (non-uniformly) fill $\Omega$ with points up to sets of measure zero, since the normal distribution has infinite support (so it doesn't matter where your set is situated). Of course, in practice you don't have infinite time and the convergence speed depends on the set $\Omega$ and how you choose $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$. To maximize $P(\mu,\sigma^2;\Omega)$ you can take the derivatives w.r.t. $\mu$ and $\theta$ and set the resulting expressions to zero, then you get:
$$\mu = \frac{\int_{\Omega} x p(\mu,\sigma^2;x)\,dx}{\int_{\Omega} p(\mu,\sigma^2;x)\,dx}, \quad \sigma^2 = \frac{\int_{\Omega} \|x-\mu\|^2 p(\mu,\sigma^2;x)\,dx}{\int_{\Omega} p(\mu,\sigma^2;x)\,dx}.$$
In general if your probability density depends smoothly on some parameter $\theta$ and $\partial_{\theta} p(\theta;x) = C(\theta)(g(\theta;x)-\theta)p(\theta;x)$ then the $\theta$ that maximizes $P(\theta; \Omega)$ satisfies:
$$\theta = \frac{\int_{\Omega}g(\theta;x)p(\theta;x)\,dx}{\int_{\Omega}p(\theta;x)\,dx}.$$
Note that even if the above gives you the optimal $\mu,\sigma^2$ (or in the general case $\theta$), they are expressed in terms of integral equations that depend on $\Omega$. If you had a uniform distribution however, then $p$ is constant, and the expression for the optimal mean reduces to the barycenter of the set:
$$\mu = \frac{\int_{\Omega} x p\,dx}{\int_{\Omega} p\,dx} = \frac{\int_{\Omega} x\,dx}{|\Omega|}.$$
So if you have further details on the approximate location of the barycenter and some approximate radius you can generate points uniformly in the ball with center $\mu$ and with the assumed radius. To generate uniform points in a $n$-D ball you can first generate points from the uniform distribution, then normalize to get uniform points on the sphere, and then rescale them randomly in [0,R] with radial density proportional to $r^{n-1}$.
The runtime would depend on how expensive $g$ is to evaluate at a point and the probability that a point ends up in the set $\Omega$. If $\Omega$ is "regular enough" you could get faster convergence by also replacing the PRNG uniform points in $[0,1]^n$, that you warp using your probability density, with quasi-random points (e.g. Halton, Sobol, or other low-discrepancy sequences).
If the set is regular enough and you know a bounding box, you could also use a regular or adaptive grid, or an octree. Marching cubes and friends take such an approach. The looser your bounding box estimate, the better adaptive structures would perform compared to a regular grid.
The "fuzzy" boundary can then be estimated as the set of points than have about twice fewer neighbours than the average in some radius $R$ (the larger this radius is the fewer points you need to have introduced, but the fuzzier your boundary). Note that this approach works regardless of whether $g$ is a signed distance function (SDF), a signed distance bound function (SDBF), or just a density that specifies the interior of the set through $g(x)<0$.
Differentiable Functions: First Order Oracle
Suppose that $g:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is differentiable and that the boundary that you are looking for is given as its zero set: $$\partial\Omega = g^{-1}[0] = \{x\in\mathbb{R}^n\,:\, g(x) = 0\}.$$
Note that for general functions $\partial\Omega \ne g^{-1}[0]$ since $\partial\Omega$ is the boundary for $\Omega = \{x\in\mathbb{R}^n\,|\,g(x)<0\}$, while for arbitrary functions the set $g^{-1}[0]$ does not have to be of measure zero, nor do points from it require neighbours that are negative (e.g. you could have a purely positive function with zeroes somewhere). So already assuming that $g^{-1}[0]$ gives your surface is pretty strong, and assuming that $g$ is totally differentiable is also pretty strong.
A standard approach to find the roots of differentiable functions is Newton's method. You start with some initial guess $x^0$ and proceed as follows:
$$x^{k+1} = x^k - \theta^k (J_g(x^k))^+g(x^k).$$
In your case the function is scalar so the Moore-Penrose inverse of the Jacobian is the gradient divided by its squared magnitude:
$$x^{k+1} = x^k - \frac{\theta^k g(x^k)}{\|\nabla g(x^k)\|^2}\nabla g(x^k).$$
Note that Newton can get stuck near local minima of your function similar to gradient descent. Even if the function monotonically decreasing (in 1D) if Newton is started too far away from where the function has its roots then it may still not converge. In the latter case one may damp the iteration by setting $\theta^k$ to something smaller than $1$, which would guarantee convergence for monotone functions. It will not guarantee convergence if you're stuck in a local minimum however (taking smaller steps won't help there, taking larger ones will). You can equivalently interpret the Newton iteration as gradient descent for the following minimization problem:
$$\min_{x\in\mathbb{R}^n}\frac{1}{2}\|g(x)\|^2_2 \implies \nabla \frac{1}{2}\|g(x)\|^2_2 = g(x)\nabla g(x).$$
Thus the Newton iteration is equivalent to gradient descent with step size $\alpha^k = \frac{\theta^k}{\|\nabla g(x^k)\|^2_2}.$
If the computation of the Jacobian is very expensive or hard to compute one typically considers finite difference approximations of it (the issue is choosing the step size for the finite difference). In your case this is just the finite difference approximation of the gradient. If the updates are also done iteratively from the previous approximations then you get quasi-Newton methods such as Broyden's method.
If your sdf is non-differentiable then maybe subgradient descent may be useful.
Here are some examples of automatic differentiation routines in shadertoy:
You will notice that they don't care too much for the non-differentiable point in max and min, and in the absolute value they just pick the subgradient $0$. Even if that may not be the most theoretically ideal thing, you can see that it works just fine in practice. I assume this is due to the nature of the problem, where the functions are continuously differentiable on a dense subset.
Just for completeness they use the standard calculus rules, with something extra for non-differentiable functions like $\min$, $\max$, and $|\cdot|$:
- $\nabla (f+g)(x) = \nabla f(x) + \nabla g(x)$
- $\nabla (fg)(x) = g(x)\nabla f(x) + f(x)\nabla g(x)$
- $\nabla (f/g)(x) = (\nabla f(x))/g(x) - f(x) (\nabla g(x))/g^2(x)$
- $\nabla (f\circ g)(x) = J_g(x)^T\nabla f(g(x))$
- $\nabla \min(f,g)(x) := \begin{cases} \nabla f(x), &f(x)<g(x), \\ \nabla g(x), &f(x)\geq g(x)\end{cases}$
- $\nabla \max(f,g)(x) := \begin{cases} \nabla f(x), &f(x)>g(x), \\ \nabla g(x), &f(x)\leq g(x)\end{cases}$
- $\nabla |f|(x) := \text{sgn}(f(x)) \nabla f(x)$
So they pretend for the most part that the functions are differentiable, except for $|x|$ where the derivative at zero is set to zero. The choices above for $\min$, $\max$, and $|\cdot|$ at the non-differentiable poinrt are consistent with a specific choice of a subgradient at that location. There are other options, but I guess the above are the most straightforward. You do not have rock-solid guarantees with the above, but it seems to work just fine in the slinked shadertoys.
A Bit Of Theory
Lipschitz Continuous Functions and Signed Distance Bound Functions
Suppose $S$ is a closed surface, i.e., $S = \partial\Omega$ for some set $\Omega$ (this is the "outside""inside" of the SDF). Define $d(x,S) = \inf_{y\in S}d(x,y)$ for some metric $d:\mathbb{R}^n\times\mathbb{R}^n\to[0,\infty)$. The function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is a signed distance function: $$f(x) = \begin{cases} d(x,S), &x\in\Omega,\\ -d(x,S), &x\not\in\Omega.\end{cases}$$$$f(x) = \begin{cases} -d(x,S), &x\in\Omega,\\ d(x,S), &x\not\in\Omega.\end{cases}$$
$$\begin{cases} 0\leq g(x) \leq f(x) = d(x,S), &x\in\Omega, \\ 0\leq -g(x) \leq -f(x) = d(x,S), &x\not\in\Omega.\end{cases}$$
Note that just with the above definition the SDBF can be quite pathological. E.g. consider the sphere in 1D $\mathbb{S}^0 = \{-1,+1\}$: $f(x) = |x|-1$. Now consider an SDBF that satisfies the above definition:
$$g(x) = \begin{cases} |x|-1, & x<3, \\ 2+\sin(\pi+2\pi (x-3)), & x\geq 3. \end{cases}$$
You can even check that this function is Lipschitz continuous. However it is a terrible SDBF after $x=3$, and would make approaches such as Newton get stuck. In practice you typically don't have such nasty settings though.
Maybe as a final note - you can also find pathological settings for subgradient descent, but I don't think those apply to your case. I am referring to "Pathological subgradient dynamics" by Daniilidis et al. If you want to see a more applied discussion for automatic differentiation see the paper "Provably Correct Automatic Subdifferentiation for Qualified Programs" and the references within.