I synchronisedsynchronized with @David k's first and second answer regarding perspective and parallel projection. From the first question I understand that the image on the screen is typically described in horizontal and vertical coordinates, that is 2D points. But from the second question, I understand that imageimages on the screen are realistic which usesif they use perspective projection which has coordinates 3D coordinates.
My confusion is that how we show the image on the screen with 2D points by perspective projection?
The Pointpoint $(x,y,z)$ is projected to position $(x_p,y_p,z_{vp})$ on the view plane.Since Since the view plane is placed at position $z_{vp}$ along the $z_v$ axis. So when $z_{vp}=0$ Projectorsprojectors (projection vectors) aredo not converged toconverge towards a projection reference point in parallel projection. But in perspective projection, when $z_{vp}=0$, it is reduced to parallel projection,but but the projectors are converged toconverge at the centre of projection. Am I correct above these concepts?
The vanishing point in perspective projection which is 3D coordinates could be representsrepresented in the projective plane as $(x, y, z, 0).$ Am I correct?