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9 votes

Handling Projective Aliasing In Shadow Mapping

Shadow mapping with acceptable quality is quite a journey. So you implemented first step - basic shadow map that encompass whole scene statically. This means that shadow map texel size in light view ...
mdkdy's user avatar
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5 votes

Why is OpenGL recompiling my depth map vertex shader based on the GL state?

This is an example of implementation details leaking through the abstraction. Parts of the GL state are often implemented via native GPU ISA instructions that the driver injects into user-defined ...
IneQuation's user avatar
4 votes

How does ray tracing handle the calculation of reflections and shadows in the presence of multiple translucent objects?

First off, I think the question is a bit vague. I'm not exactly sure what you really want so this answer is just based on my understanding of your question. Raytracing handles reflections and shadows ...
Enigmatisms's user avatar
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3 votes

Artifacts in omni light shadow mapping

I finally found the cause of the problem. There appears to be a problem with the shadow map of both the omni light and spotlight. While debugging, I noticed by accident that the light-view-to-light-...
Matthias's user avatar
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3 votes

In forward rendering what's the go to technique to smooth out rigid shadow due to low resolution shadowmap texture?

Ah, shadows. They still are bothering after so many people spent years trying to improve them. Whether your engine is deferred or forward, the shadow pass should be quite the same, and suffer the same ...
wip's user avatar
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3 votes

In forward rendering what's the go to technique to smooth out rigid shadow due to low resolution shadowmap texture?

Percentage Closer Filtering with some amount of blur (ie. a minimum filter size in texture space) is the most basic method I know of. For example, see GPU Gems. My experience is that it is also quite ...
Olivier's user avatar
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2 votes

In forward rendering what's the go to technique to smooth out rigid shadow due to low resolution shadowmap texture?

One technique is adaptive shadow maps where you use a low resolution map for shadows that are rendered far away from the camera, a mid-resolution map for stuff that's in the mid range, and a high ...
user1118321's user avatar
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2 votes

Reducing Cascaded Shadow Mapping Artifacts

Getting high quality shadows from Cascade Shadow maps with (relatively) low resolution shadow maps is a process. I recommend taking on different aspects one at a time. Here are few generic suggestions....
pmw1234's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use shadow mapping and deferred rendering to create a large amount of lights?

Deferred rendering does not have an asymptic complexity of O(lights+fragments). It has a complexity of O(fragments+visibleFragments*lights). What you are doing in deferred rendering is preventing ...
Sebastián Mestre's user avatar
1 vote

Why don't high-res shadow maps produce aliasing artifacts due to minification?

Turns out minification aliasing is a real problem, just as with regular (color) textures. Following are a couple of papers demonstrating the artifacts and presenting solutions (basically low-pass ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 vote

Why doesn't using depth biasing to fix shadow acne result in an even bigger problem?

The book "RAY TRACING GEMS (1)" from Nvidia has a whole chapter about avoiding self-intersection. I highly recommend this book because they show different methods about all parts of problems ...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 vote

Cascaded Shadow Mapping (CSM), Partitioning the Frustum to a nearly 1 by 1 mapping

The logarithmic shadow mapping split scheme produces split points that minimize aliasing. There is a short derivation that can be used to show that it produces the split points that reduce aliasing to ...
pmw1234's user avatar
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1 vote

ShadowMap peter-panning and wrong direction

I found out that simply removing minus sign in shader in converting coords to [0, 1] solved direction problem. But scale is still off - here is an example: ...
DirectX_Programmer's user avatar
1 vote

R16_FLOAT, SampleCmp and CheckFormatSupport

Because I was using the CheckFormatSupport wrong. The second parameter is supposed to be an input. Here is what it should be like. ...
ACskyline's user avatar
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What does "region to be shaded" mean in the PCF paper?

Texture mapping is the process of providing a mapping from the surface to a location on the texture. That is, given a particular point on a surface, you can find a specific point in a texture that ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
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DX9 Shadow map PCF issue

It seems that sampler2D_float doesn't allow to interpolate shadow lookup linearly. So I had to do it by hand. Here's an example of interpolated shadowing. ...
MaT's user avatar
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What is this shadow mapping error called?

It's not entirely clear what the scene in your picture is supposed to look like, so I'm not sure I'm interpreting it correctly. But if I am, it seems like the problem is that you're projecting the ...
user1118321's user avatar
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