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10 votes

Why is AO considered Post-Processing?

This is a potentially confusing re-use of terminology. Ambient Occlusion is not in itself a post processing effect. Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is a post processing effect using the depth buffer to ...
trichoplax is on Codidact now's user avatar
6 votes

Artifacts when gamma correcting

Short answer, set the precision of the image to a higher value. Long answer, When looking at a gamma correction curve, you can see that the lower values get changed much more, this means that the ...
bram0101's user avatar
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6 votes

Making low discrepancy sequence noise textures, not LDS sample positions

In theory, it is possible to stuff every sample distribution into a texture to "pre-bake" it for fast access. The question is whether any of the results might be useful. For blue noise, this makes a ...
DrivenByNostalgia's user avatar
4 votes

Why is AO considered Post-Processing?

Ambient occlusion isn't a technique, but rather a concept. It can be implemented (and approximated) as a post-processing effect such as SSAO, SSDO, HBAO+, etc. @trichoplax gave a good answer, I just ...
aces's user avatar
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4 votes

Adding noise to gradient

It's generally a good idea to add noise like this when you're using a gradient, to avoid visible banding in the gradient, especially on smartphones. Often smartphone screens claim to be 24-bit colour ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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3 votes

Deriving blur from real optical formulae

First we can calculate the physical diameter of CoC in the image plane, given the lens parameters. This equation is from Wikipedia – Circle of confusion: $$ c = {|S_2 - S_1| \over S_2} {f^2 \over N(...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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3 votes

Screen space line anti aliasing

A gaussian blur with a small kernel size, like 3, would blur the line into adjacent pixels and may be all that is needed. There is a technique called jump flooding that will turn an image like this, ...
pmw1234's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the name for a film overlay where there is an array of crosses?

It’s called a Résau plate: …a transparent sheet of glass or plastic engraved with a grid of crosshatches called fiducial markers. It was commonly used in film cameras (before the advent of digital ...
Noah Witherspoon's user avatar
1 vote

SSR/RTLR - hitting object/ending condition

The termination condition is that the ray passes through the surface represented in the depth buffer. To track this, you have to calculate the z position of the ray at the current step, and compare it ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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1 vote

Downscaling texture via mipmap [DirectX 11]

I found the problem. By zeroing the sampler description I implicitly set LOD bounds to 0. After adding ...
ivokabel's user avatar
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What is a common approach to smooth structures in textures?

I don't have enough rep to add a comment so... You could use a post process based anti-aliasing technique like FXAA or SMAA. Also, if performance is not a priority, you could go for SSAA. Another ...
Nacho's user avatar
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1 vote

How does temporal reprojection work?

temporal reprojection works surprisingly well and simplistic with (in between) volume-marching (where rays scatter through a cloud of different density, with hard or smooth density-gradients) validity ...
ollj's user avatar
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