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How Image Based Lighting is applied to indoor scene?

There's two main things it seems like you've not understood correctly. IBL is for indoor scenes and outdoor scenes In the early days when IBL was hot, the Uffizi light-probe was probably the most ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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PBR : Understanding the right part of Split sum integration of specular IBL

1)What is the V vector? How did they compute that It's the vector toward the camera (view vector), i.e. direction of the reflected ray. The lookup table they're building is parameterized in terms of ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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2 votes

Integrating BRDF using Importance Sampling

Think of this way: when integrating uniformly over the hemisphere, it's like you are importance-sampling with a constant pdf of $1/2\pi$. The multiplication by $2\pi$ at the end, then, can be seen as ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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Problem sampling uniformly envmap with GGX

How are you randomizing the samples you take? It looks to me like maybe the random values are the same across all pixels in the image, which would explain why you see 10 coherent bright spots when you ...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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White spots when rendering diffuse material with environment light

I think this question lacks some additional information. I used your code to implement a simple diffusive color visualizer, and found nothing strange: 'Guassian' surface Lambertian surface (Note ...
Enigmatisms's user avatar
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PBR : Understanding the right part of Split sum integration of specular IBL

I recommend to ignore my post (however I consider papers that I've sent valueable) and read post of Nathan Reed, which is much better in explaining this problem! I'm still a junior when it comes to ...
DirectX_Programmer's user avatar
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Weirdly looking diffuse irradiance map

I've actually managed to find problem thanks to @PaulHK, thanks! I decided to pass which face I am currently working on and setting then coordinates manually per face. It is awful but it works rather ...
DirectX_Programmer's user avatar

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