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9 votes

What is the difference in overlay and framebuffer?

As you've understood, the framebuffer is an array in memory that holds all the pixels to display on the screen. On a desktop PC, it's probably special memory on the graphics card, but in a SoC with ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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7 votes

Why do games only allow certain resolutions?

Note that in your Dark Souls example, all the resolutions listed are the exact same aspect ratio. So the question is, why doesn't it support arbitrary aspect ratios? The answer is that it costs ...
default's user avatar
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6 votes

Why use image load / stores instead of FBOs

Why would you use Images instead of Framebuffers? Image Load/Store is not intended to replace framebuffers. It's a feature that allows (relatively) arbitrary reading and writing to memory. So you ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
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6 votes

Artifacts when gamma correcting

Short answer, set the precision of the image to a higher value. Long answer, When looking at a gamma correction curve, you can see that the lower values get changed much more, this means that the ...
bram0101's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I intercept and filter all frames coming out of SteamVR?

So far, I've been able to attach to vrcompositor.exe with RenderDoc and intercept the D3D calls that do the composition. According to Baldur Karlsson (the author of ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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4 votes

GBuffer: Framebuffer with different texture format types?

You have a bit of a misunderstanding there. The paragraph you quoted doesn't actually say anything about framebuffer objects yet. It just talks about a single texture. While we usually understand a ...
Christian Rau's user avatar
4 votes

glBlitFramebuffer does not copy all textures

I think you misunderstood the use of glBlitFrameBuffer. When using this to blit Color Buffers, according to the docs, One thing to keep in mind is this: when using ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
4 votes

What happens with the framebuffer after the fragment shader is done?

It entirely depends what hardware and OS you're on. It's up to the integration between the windowing system and GL. In the simple case where one application is rendering full-screen directly, the ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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3 votes

Weird glColor3f results in framebuffer objects

You need to set the colour back to white before drawing the framebuffer to the screen. Otherwise, the whole framebuffer gets multiplied with red. ...
user20574's user avatar
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3 votes

Am I risking damaging my GPU?

Do laptop GPUs these days have built-in throttling that will slow them down when they get hot enough to risk damage ? Yes. Every portable computing device these days has “thermal throttling” — ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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3 votes

draw on cubemap with help of geometry shader each triangle covers each cubemap face (why??)

After trying everything possible I found my mistake: The shaders are fine, the only thing which is wrong is the frameBufferObject binding. To be honest, the texture to FBO binding. the only thing I ...
Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes

using default depth buffer in off-screen framebuffer

Is it possible to bind default framebuffer's depth buffer to another framebuffer? First, you "attach" images to framebuffers. You "bind" objects to the context; you "attach" objects to other objects. ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
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3 votes

If the OS uses a frame-buffer with potentially different textures being displayed each frame why dont we?

The compositor in the OS wants to run at a consistent 60 FPS whatever rate your application runs at. If there were a single framebuffer for your application, then you might end up writing to it at the ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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2 votes

OpenGL back and front buffer - counting and adjusting the number of red pixels before displaying to screen

I have tried doing glCear(GL_BACK_LEFT) between each iteration but it is not clearing, I'm wondering if I'm missing a line of code before the glClear, or if I'm calling it right. I think the problem ...
Christian Rau's user avatar
2 votes

How can I send custom bitmap to frame buffer?

This answer uses GDI and a little bit of MFC. The MFC bits aren't necessary and just there for my convenience. You can hit the Windows API directly if you need to. In your window class have some data ...
PeteUK's user avatar
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2 votes

How to capture frames in a MacOS MTKView for recording to a video

I've seen no answer to my question. But after lots of experimentation and further study of Apple documentation for clues I have figured out how to capture GPU generated frames. First, I gave up on ...
Richard Stover's user avatar
1 vote

Rendering multiple camera transforms of the same geometry at once

You might look into "mulitview" it is fairly straight forward to setup and use. It does have limits on the number of views that can be rendered at the same time. Most examples are geared ...
pmw1234's user avatar
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1 vote

Combining multiple textures within Framebuffer to use them in layered rendering

Layered rendering requires array textures, period (well, cubemaps can also work, but they're basically array textures anyway). There's no avoiding that. But unless you need the sizes and formats of ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
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1 vote

Access frames of livestream

I wouldn't recommend trying to write this code yourself. It's not a question of using into OpenGL - which won't get you another process' framebuffer - but of asking the OS. This is not at all easy to ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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1 vote

OpenGL Framebuffer with multiple Depthbuffers inside

FBOs can only use a single depth image, but that image can be layered. Broadly speaking, VR multi-eye rendering ought to be done through layered FBO images for both the color and depth buffers. The ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
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1 vote

Can the framebuffer in OpenGL jargon or its color buffer end up being the one and the same memory location as the one scanned by a display controller?

Can it be (eg. if I run a video game full-screen) that the compositor could simply declare the application's off-screen buffer the same as its 'screen buffer' Yes. This is one of the things that &...
Nathan Reed's user avatar
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1 vote

Framebuffer not detecting image

Copying the bytes of a JPEG file to the framebuffer device doesn't display the image represented by the JPEG file. The file needs to be decoded by an application that understands the JPEG format, to ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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1 vote

Why use image load / stores instead of FBOs

To write to an arbitrary location in a FBO you need to do rasterization of point primitive at that location. This is significantly more costly than a single ...
Yakov Galka's user avatar
1 vote

LWJGL 3 render to texture offscreen without display

So the way I went by not showing the window seems the way to go, and the error about GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENTapparently wasn't related to this at all ...
piegames's user avatar
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