This algorithm is based on [this answer for finding the angle between vectors][1], and [this answer for rotating polygon points][2]. It's written in Python, and assumes you want to align an edge with the X axis (horizontal axis). If you want to align it with the Y axis, replace the `xVec` in the code below with a `yVec = [0,1]`. **EDITED**: Added code for rotating the polygon and displaying the original and rotated polygons. Result of this script is displayed in the image below: [![enter image description here][3]][3] <!-- language: lang-python --> from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from math import radians, degrees, sqrt, acos, cos, sin def dotproduct(v1, v2): return sum( (a*b) for a, b in zip(v1, v2) ) def length(v): return sqrt( dotproduct(v, v) ) def angle(v1, v2): return acos( dotproduct(v1, v2) / ( length(v1) * length(v2) ) ) def vec_subtraction( v1, v2 ): return [ e1 - e2 for e1, e2 in zip( v1, v2 ) ] def calc_edge_vec( poly, edge ): p1 = poly['points'][ edge[0] ] p2 = poly['points'][ edge[1] ] return vec_subtraction( p2, p1 ) def rotatePolygon( poly, theta ): ''' Rotates the given polygon which consists of corners represented as (x,y), around the ORIGIN, clock-wise, theta degrees ''' rotatedPolygon = [] for corner in poly: rotatedPolygon.append(( corner[0] * cos( theta ) - corner[1] * sin( theta ), # x corner[0] * sin( theta ) + corner[1] * cos( theta ) # y )) # Make sure rotated polygon coordinates are within image boundaries minX = min( [ c[0] for c in rotatedPolygon ] ) * -1 minX = minX if minX > 0 else 0 minY = min( [ c[1] for c in rotatedPolygon ] ) * -1 minY = minY if minY > 0 else 0 rotatedPolygon = [ ( x + minX, y + minY ) for x, y in rotatedPolygon ] return rotatedPolygon def draw_and_plot_polygon( im, poly, color, plotTitle, plotIndex ): draw = ImageDraw.Draw( im ) for e in poly['edges']: p1 = tuple( poly['points'][ e[0] ] ) p2 = tuple( poly['points'][ e[1] ] ) draw.line( [p1, p2], fill = color ) del draw plt.subplot( 3, 2, plotIndex ), plt.imshow( im ), plt.title( plotTitle ), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) # Draw point names (ABCD) for i, c in enumerate( poly['points'] ): plt.text( c[0], c[1], "ABCD"[i], color = 'white' ) # Define polygon as dictionary of point coordinates and edges # each edge is a pair of point indices p = { 'points' : [ (50,10), (95,30), (80,20), (62,48) ], 'edges' : [ (3,0), (3,1), (1,2), (2,0) ] } xVec = [1,0] # Horizontal axis # Draw original poly in white im = 'RGB', (100,100) ) draw_and_plot_polygon( im, p, (255,255,255), 'Original', 1 ) colors = [ (50,50,255), (255,0,0), (0,255,0), (200, 150, 50) ] i = 2 for e, color in zip( p['edges'], colors ): edgeVec = calc_edge_vec( p, e ) a = angle( edgeVec, xVec ) rotPol = p.copy() rotPol['points'] = rotatePolygon( p['points'], a ) im = 'RGB', (100,100) ) # Place aligned edge at bottom alingedEdgeY = im.size[1] - rotPol['points'][ e[0] ][ 1 ] # Current edge height rotPol['points'] = [ ( p[0], p[1] + alingedEdgeY ) for p in rotPol['points'] ] # Draw rotated polygon angleTitle = "Angle: " + str( round( degrees(a), 2 ) ) draw_and_plot_polygon( im, rotPol, color, angleTitle, i ) i += 1 <!-- language: lang-python --> **EDITED 2**: Added some code to position the rotated polygon so that the aligned edge is on the floor (lines 90-91). Here's the result: [![enter image description here][4]][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: