This algorithm is based on [this answer][1], is written in Python, and assumes you want to align an edge with the X axis (horizontal axis). If you want to align it with the Y axis, replace the `xVec` in the code below with an `yVec = [0,1]`. <!-- language: lang-python --> from math import degrees, sqrt, acos def dotproduct(v1, v2): return sum( (a*b) for a, b in zip(v1, v2) ) def length(v): return sqrt( dotproduct(v, v) ) def angle(v1, v2): return acos( dotproduct(v1, v2) / ( length(v1) * length(v2) ) ) def vec_subtraction( v1, v2 ): return [ a - b for a, b in zip( v1, v2 ) ] def calc_edge_vec( poly, edge ): p1 = poly['points'][ edge[0] ] p2 = poly['points'][ edge[1] ] return vec_subtraction( p2, p1 ) p = { 'points' : [ (0,0), (3,5), (7,2), (1,4) ], 'edges' : [ (0,3), (3,1), (1,2), (2,0) ] } xVec = [1,0] # Horizontal X axis vector - to align with for e in p['edges']: edgeVec = calc_edge_vec( p, e ) a = angle( edgeVec, xVec ) print( degrees(a) ) <!-- language: lang-python --> [1]: