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Unable to define/use my own macro on HLSL Unity3D

I defined a macro like: #define UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY_GRAD(tex, coord, dx, dy) tex.SampleGrad(sampler##tex, coord, dx, dy) to be used on this code: ...
z3nth10n's user avatar
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Help understanding Texture2D multi-sampling semantics: Why do we need sample index AND location?

Looking at the windows HLSL documentation for Texture2DMS.Load found here: can someone help me better understand different ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to calculate ray-origin and ray-direction in vertex shader working universally for any projection and using interpolators for performance

I have been reading and watching many raymarching tutorials, but almost all of them are only working in the perspective projection. Almost all assume, that to calculate the ray direction, you just ...
Tooster's user avatar
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Unity - custom shadow from sun

due to some features in materials I need to create my own directional shadow map. Everything seems to work ok, until the moment where I compare depths. First I add camera component to directional ...
Derag's user avatar
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3 votes
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Black squares in bloom effect

Good Morning! I'm having trouble rendering an on-screen bloom shader by post processing. Basically the shader works like this: Camera image before rendering the effect: First a filter is passed on ...
Matheus Markies's user avatar
5 votes
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Rendering Hypercentric Perspective

I came across some Non-Euclidean Games which involve Hyperbolic Spaces, Spherical Spaces, Portals, etc. And, I noticed that they give quite deep feel of what Non-Euclidean Spaces feel like. So, I was ...
Monster196883's user avatar
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Unity crashes when running path tracing

I'm studying path tracing, at the moment I created a compute shader that aims to calculate the intersection of rays with meshes. However, when I run the code the unity crashes, displaying a graphics ...
Matheus Markies's user avatar
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Unity path tracing makes the pc crash

Good Morning. I'm testing Path Tracing techniques with unity, following this tutorial. But I'm in trouble. Whenever I try to ...
Matheus Markies's user avatar
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Combine box shadow with a signed distance field

I'm using 2d signed distance fields in my current project for drawing shapes (example: and I want to add drop shadows to them. At first I thought I could exploit ...
weichsem's user avatar
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Per-object screen space uv issue

I am currently trying to sample a texture in screen space. This works well : ...
MaT's user avatar
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Groupshared memory and parallel reduction over multiple kernel dispatch

I am doing some parallel reduction and mostly following these nVidia slides. However they are not very detailed in places or I might be missing/misunderstanding something. Edit 2: While I figured ...
AverageGatsby's user avatar
2 votes
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Sharing memory between compute shader and pixel shader

I am relatively new to compute shaders and gpgpu in general so bear with me if i am missing the point somewhere. The main thing i do not yet understand / see is how to get memory from a compute ...
AverageGatsby's user avatar
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Problem with Quad-based Tessellation in GLSL generating incorrect vertex ordered tessellation

I am trying to perform quad-based tessellation using GLSL on Unity to be able to render polynomial-based parametric surfaces on a Unity quad. The quad-based tessellation using GLSL seems to be ...
Bhavyansh Mishra's user avatar
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What is performance better - add four materials to mesh or duplicate every vertex and use packed texture?

I am making ski jumping game (in Unity) with procedurally generated hill mesh. I want to add lines on hill like this (mesh is created by script, but I've manually assigned materials in Blender) ...
Jonek2208's user avatar
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Unity: Pass texture pointer from OpenGL to Unity

I'm working on a scene in Unity where I have textures loaded at runtime. As a result of that, the scene is being slowed down (even with co-routines), so I thought maybe I could move the texture ...
Roman's user avatar
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Why can I see the diffuse lighting effect on a perfect mirror?

Currently I am learning PBR by Unity3D. I find that even I turn the smoothness to 1, I can still see the diffuse lighting effect, which does not make any sense to me. Imagine I trace a ray from my ...
TIANLUN ZHU's user avatar
5 votes
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Benefits of Clustered Shading vs Tiled Shading?

The Unity Engine manual page Best Practice: Setting up the Lighting Pipeline has a section "Render pipelines" with an illustration of Tile Rendering and Cluster Rendering: The section then mentions:...
wip's user avatar
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Bitmap-images or SVG

I'd like to create a GUI in my first Unity-game (2D). I want my GUI appear sharp in all resolutions (e.g. 1920x1200 or 3840x2160). The problem I am facing now is that I don't know if I should save my ...
drpelz's user avatar
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4 votes
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Non real-time rendering on Unity3D

I made an audio visualizer using Unity3D (you can see it here) but I am not satisfied on the video quality, as the compression destroys the graphics. I recorded the screen during a real-time rendering....
L. Chaumartin's user avatar
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Difference between using + and * operator after tex2D to add albedo color?

I have a two different codes with a little difference Case 1. I used a + operator before _myColor. ...
Abhinay Singh Negi's user avatar
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How can I use 3d animation to create a character that uses sign language?

I performed a quick search on programs that translate natural language to sign language (through a 3D animation character). Here are examples: IBM SISI ProDeaf (which is an android app) My question ...
Ahmed Hussein's user avatar
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DX9 Shadow map PCF issue

I am trying to do simple PCF with Unity but I am facing some issues and I don't know where they come from. If anybody has an idea... Here are two examples ...
MaT's user avatar
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Dealing with blown-out highlights in PBR

I've been writing some custom shaders based around Unity's Standard BRDF, which is uses GGX distribution term and Smith visibility term. It looks great at either end of the smoothness scale (1 and 2 ...
russ's user avatar
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Streaming video camera input from WebCamTexture on mobile? (Possibly via WebRTC or websocket?)

I'm building an application where I stream video camera feed from one mobile device to another in Unity. I tried searching for answers, but most of the topics deal with how to display a video stream, ...
Apolotary's user avatar
5 votes
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Alpha blending between two overlapping semi-transparent shapes

I am working on a 2D lighting system for my game. My approach has been to: Create a transparency quad representing 'darkness'. Create a stencil shader for light sources to clip from the darkness quad....
Alex's user avatar
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GPU not reaching 100% usage when frame rate is dropping

I am making an iOS game using Unity. I am testing some shaders that I have made for the game, and in some cases the device will run at under 30 FPS but not have 100% device utilization. Sometimes a ...
Gerald Lang's user avatar
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How to convert decomposed transformations between different coordinate systems?

I am converting some Unity3D scenes to a proprietary json format to be used by my OpenGL renderer that uses a different coordinate system from Unity's. I have multiple sets of {translation, rotation(...
Fr0stBit's user avatar
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7 votes
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What's the difference between Sample and tex2D

I am mainly using Unity but I think that it's not related to this engine, and I am wondering what's the difference between using tex2D and ...
MaT's user avatar
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What is required to limit the amount of draw calls in Unity?

I would like to limit the amount draw calls to approximate performance. Is there a nominal amount to aim for when working with high performance gaming? From my understanding to render an object that ...
JDavila's user avatar
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How could I use bent normal map

This might be a general question but I have some difficulties about understanding baked bent normal maps and how to use it inside a shader in Unity. From what I understand, bent normals are ...
MaT's user avatar
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