Questions tagged [tile-based-rendering]

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0 votes
1 answer

Random spaces between textures

I am trying to make Terraria like game using WGPU and rust. There are gaps between tiles. The gaps are bigger and more common as I get far from world center. I've read that nearest filtering should ...
3 votes
0 answers

I need to implement a CPU Rasterizer but am unsure how to parallelize rasterization

I have a rendering engine that has CPU path tracing support, as well as GPU (Vulkan) rasterization and path tracing support. It uses a rasterization pre-processing step to identify the resolution of ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why don't I see tile-based 3D graphics?

As we know, tiles can make it quicker to update large portions of the display at once, as compared with a bitmap. To put, say a letter, on the screen, the Commodore 64 typically does two writes (the ...
2 votes
1 answer

How does a GLSL Sampler2D read a Vec2 UV coordinate to determine UV range

I am working with an atlas shader that steps through various sprite tiles within a single png atlas page to playback an animation with sampler2D. Looking at the shader code, I would expect to have to ...
5 votes
1 answer

Benefits of Clustered Shading vs Tiled Shading?

The Unity Engine manual page Best Practice: Setting up the Lighting Pipeline has a section "Render pipelines" with an illustration of Tile Rendering and Cluster Rendering: The section then mentions:...
1 vote
1 answer

Flickering tile map

So I have a batch draw call I am doing with various squares. I have a 4x4 tile map with the numbers 1-16 going in right/down order. When it gets to the fragment shader their is a varying float "id" ...
7 votes
2 answers

What is "tiled" raytracing?

I've seen mention of tiled raytracing, but haven't been able to find much on google about it. Can anyone explain what it is and how it works?
19 votes
1 answer

Data structures for tile-based (deferred) rendering

Tiled rendering is used in modern mobile GPU architectures to increase the coherency of memory access by subdividing image space into a regular grid of small (e.g., 32x32 pixel) tiles. Information is ...