Questions tagged [motion]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Double quaternion skinning artifacts

This is technically about PGA motors, but dual quaternions are a subalgebra of PGA so for all given purposes it's the same idea. I have an animation in gltf, specified as inverse bind pose matrices, ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Coordinate system transformation in motion capture files

I am trying to align two motion capture files from different sources. The motion capture file consist of a skeleton specified as a hierarchy of joints. Each joint i.e. "shoulder" has three pieces of ...
Vanush Vee's user avatar
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RayTracing grid acceleration slowness using motion blur

I'm adding some motionblur feature to my raytracer and I'm using an uniform grid acceleration scheme (it will be updated to bvh later on) to speed up the rendering time. My problem is that if I have a ...
ytrox's user avatar
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Binary image blob movement prediction with optical flow

I got stuck with a problem: I have two binary images A and B, which differ by a few seconds. There are Blobs in the images which move (imagine a binary image of a lava lamp). Now I calculate the ...
mcb's user avatar
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