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2 votes
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Examples of anisotropic surfaces

Being faced with a design choice, I have to decide between supporting anisotropic surfaces or not in my ray tracer. Is there any common use case of this feature other than velvet (so that I may be ...
Ujjwal Rajput's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is a "light source" in global illumination?

In the context of global illumination and the scattering equation, do we need to understand "light sources" as surfaces with a "purely emissive" material on which no scattering is present? In ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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How can I implement this BSDF?

I am trying to implement a path tracer, but I have some problem. The class Spectrum is color. I implemented a mirror material like this: ...
bin guo's user avatar
  • 31
4 votes
1 answer

Loading a material via assimp

I'm writing a raytracer and I'm using the assimp library to load objects. I have an object's material specified in a .mtl file: ...
Michal Kučera's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can a diffused(frosted) glass be modelled in path tracing

How can a diffused(frosted) glass be modelled in path tracing? Currently I am able to define a window poly line as a clear glass material where it transmits or reflects the ray. I am not clear though ...
ali's user avatar
  • 750
7 votes
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Mimicking Blender's "roughness" in my path tracer

Recently I asked a question regarding how to mix a glossy and diffuse shader in my path tracer: Mix shader looks wrong on my path tracer. I thought it was incorrect, but a comparison between mine and ...
Henry Bergin's user avatar