Questions tagged [brdf]

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How to handle negative reflection directions in raytracing?

I got a function that generates samples from a GGX visible normal distribution function. When I use it to calculate reflection directions obviously some of these intersect with the surface agin (...
noName's user avatar
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Formula for non area light BRDFs

I'm reading a graphics book and it talks about BRDFs being the ratio between differential outgoing radiance and differential irradiance. The formula it gives is f(l, v) = dL(v)/dE(l) Where l is the ...
Yoko's user avatar
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Implementing the example of Walter et al. (2007) paper

As the title suggests I'm trying to implement the last images of the "Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces" Paper by Walter et al. in OpenGL I "think" (I had to ...
Clutterhead's user avatar
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Should ray throughput always decrease when bouncing?

In the accepted answer for the question What is Importance Sampling?, in the example code there is this line: ...
dblouis's user avatar
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Importance Sampling path tracer, Different pdfs result in different luminance?

I'm having a lot of trouble implementing Importance Sampling path tracer. If I understand it correctly, what I need to evaluate for a path tracer is this: $\int_\Omega L_{in}(L) * fr(L, V) * \cos(\...
arctiq's user avatar
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Value range of normal distribution function

Is the normal distribution term D in the Cook-Torrance BRDF supposed to be between 0 and 1? What does this number actually represent?
dblouis's user avatar
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Rendering equation for spherical lights

I am currently implementing spherical lights in my DirectX game engine. I decided to build the shading formula from the classical rendering equation. Here is what I get: The simplifications show that ...
B Lee's user avatar
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Oren-Nayar Reflectance

I'm trying to implement Oren-Nayar reflectance and I don't quite understand the Wikipedia article on it. In the article, it has this diagram: I can't figure out what $(\theta_i, \phi_i)$ and $(\...
MCMastery's user avatar
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Implementing GGX VNDF importance sampling with DXR

I am currently implementing the GGX specular BRDF in a DXR raytracer using the importance sampling method describe by Heitz I am sampling the VNDF with: ...
Badnet's user avatar
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Roughness Value of (Close to) Zero in Physically Based Rendering

In my Direct Light Physically Based Renderer, when I set the roughness too low (ie. 0.0 or close) the specular reflection doesn't show, not even at high resolutions and at perfect angle with the ...
Daniel Marques's user avatar
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Microfacet BRDF artifacts

I've been trying to implement a microfacet specular BRDF based on the equations in Real Shading in UE4, but I'm getting weird ring-shaped artifacts in the highlights of rough surfaces: Here's the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Physically realistic received irradiance values given some BRDF?

I am trying to simulate the actual response of a camera given some object that is reflecting light. I've written a ray tracer, and have a BRDF that I need to use, and I have a camera sensitivity in ...
Chris Gnam's user avatar
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Where to find BRDF textures

I've read about measured BDRFs and models like cook-torrance have parameters that need to be set. It isn't hard to imagine that these parameters and the measured properties would vary from point to ...
Jake's user avatar
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Strange dark spot when lighting in deferred rendering PBR shaders

It's probably something obvious but there seems to be a strange issue with lighting in my pipeline. I'm trying to keep everything in world space at the moment for simplicity but cannot figure out what'...
user1117065's user avatar
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Microfacet GGX not integrating as expected

I'm trying to complete a look-up table for an energy-conserving variation of microfacet GGX as implemented here: I have a (pretty standard) GGX ...
polyrhythm's user avatar
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Confusion about data types in Jensen's subsurface scattering paper

I am currently trying to implement Jensen's paper on subsurface scattering, but I am getting confused when I am trying to implement it in my pathtracer. I have questions about the data types of ...
dwang733's user avatar
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Can microfacet BRDF (including ggx) represent perfect mirror?

Perfect mirror's brdf is simple, $F\frac{\delta(\omega_i-\omega_r)}{|\cos(\theta_r)|}$ as in As shown in ...
Hyuk Kim's user avatar
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Questions about BRDF parameterization

Hi I'm trying to get a better understanding of the BRDF modeling. I only implemented naive diffuse(lambert), specular and microfacet BRDF before, but I don't have much experience in mixed BRDFs and ...
AccM's user avatar
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Where do "fireflies" come from?

I'm using a renderer developed by other people, and I found there are fireflies. It is strange that in a completely diffuse scene, there are still fireflies presented. To my understanding, I think it ...
AccM's user avatar
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GGX BRDF is greater than 1?

I am implementing a GGX BRDF, this is the formula I used is from: And this is my implementation: ...
TIANLUN ZHU's user avatar
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How to set equivalent PDFs for cosine-weighted and uniform-sampled hemispheres?

I'm trying to add BRDFs to a very basic path tracer. Starting out, I'd like to convert just the Lambertian material, with two different sampling methods, to ensure that everything is working right. ...
hunterloftis's user avatar
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Anisotropic GGX BRDF implementation. How is it related to isotropic GGX BRDF?

Introduction I am implementing anisotropic GGX BRDF and have encountered strange behaviour of my implementation. I thought that if I compare the microfacet distribution function I have with the one ...
honzukka's user avatar
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confused on isotropic BRDF

I am reading a paper and there is a part I don't understand: I am wondering why the isotropic BRDF only depends on the view direction and roughness? Why is the light direction not related?
TIANLUN ZHU's user avatar
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Ask for help on understanding a formula related to change of variable

Although I have tried for a long time, I cannot understand Eq.(11) of paper "Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces" written by Bruce Walter, Stephen Marschner, Hongsong Li and ...
user5280911's user avatar
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"Artist Friendly Metallic Fresnel" reversible?

While implementing the "Artist Friendly Metallic Fresnel" paper by Ole Gulbrandsen (, I read that it is fully reversible: (section 2.3.2): for all r,g ...
zeno's user avatar
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total internal reflection implementation in pbrt-v3

I've been implementing a path tracer, referring pbrt-v3. However, I'm a bit confused about its implementation. Code is here. It seems when we sample to do transmission, it tests if it meets a total ...
jinglei's user avatar
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Ask for detailed derivation of a formula in "Advanced Global Illumination"

Attached is page 34 of "Advanced Global Illumination", 2nd edition, by Dutre et al. I don't understand how (2.22) is derived from (2.21) and the given incident radiance distribution $L(x\leftarrow\Psi)...
user5280911's user avatar
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Cook-Torrance Specular BRDF Artifact [duplicate]

I am currently experiencing a very obvious artifact that occurs when looking at objects on very grazing angles Here is a picture of the artifact: I noticed that the issue was coming from my ...
Brady Jessup's user avatar
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Normal Artifacts On Grazing Angles

I am currently experiencing a very obvious artifact that occurs when looking at objects on very grazing angles Here is a picture of the artifact: I noticed that the issue was coming from my ...
Brady Jessup's user avatar
2 votes
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PBR - How to handle multiple BSDFs and material type

So I am in the midst of writing my own path traced renderer and right now I have only implemented the old Blinn-Phong models where we separately calculated the diffuse and specular components of the ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
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Importance Sampling in Unreal Engine Formula Derivation (Irradiance term)

I am currently trying to understand IBL in Unreal Engine, and there are so much things that I don't understand about the formula. Unreal approximate the specular term of shading equation by doing ...
kevinyu's user avatar
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Refraction: given an incoming and transmitted direction, can I deduce the normal?

It's easy to find guides to calculating the transmitted direction of light given an incoming direction, the normal, and indexes of refraction. However, I can't find anything about determining the ...
Phil McLaughlin's user avatar
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Radiative Transfer Equation for Photorealistic Rendering

I've recently become interested in photorealistic rendering, and I've been looking at the different rendering philosophies. I read this Disney Research bachelor's thesis, which states both the ...
BJParks's user avatar
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How to validate whether a reflection model is implemented correctly?

I think this is one of the most important part when you write a physically-based renderer. The solution I came up with is to put a sphere to the scene with a constant background radiance. Solve the ...
Mustafa Işık's user avatar
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Phong and the Rendering Equation: What's with the cosine?

Ignoring emission and shadowing for simplicity, the rendering equation can be stripped down to: $$L(x, \, \vec \omega) = \int_{\Omega}{f_r(x, \, \vec \omega^\prime, \, \vec \omega) \, (\vec \omega^\...
David Kuri's user avatar
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BRDF normalization

I don't understand how to normalize the BRDF. the constraint is that for each incoming ray, the exitant ray will be $1$ at most ie integral of hemisphere of $f_r\cdot\cos(\theta)$ where $f_r$ is the ...
kalonymus's user avatar
24 votes
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What is the difference between radiance and irradiance in BRDF

Currently I am reading the BRDF section from Real Time Rendering and I am having a hard time to visually understand the definition of this function. BRDF is the ratio between the radiance in outgoing ...
kevinyu's user avatar
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Predicting reflectance functions from complex surfaces

There are three principal ways to obtain a BRDF. We can Derive an analytic formula using physical principles Use simulation given an assumed or measured model of the surface microgeometry Measure the ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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Wrong output while implementing GGX importance sampling

I'm receiving a non-energy conserving output while trying to importance sample the GGX Distributionof the Microfacet model, which is generally 3-4 times bigger than the resulting PDF I'm following ...
Row Rebel's user avatar
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What is a Gaussian Lobe concerning BRDF and NDF?

I was reading a paper about voxel cone tracing and came across this term. So, what is a Gaussian Lobe or a Lobe in general? I am asking in the context of Computer Graphics, BRDF and NDF.
user1006274's user avatar
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Relationship between roughness and BRDF

In a BRDF $f_r$, assume Cook-Torrance model, we have a microfacets distribution $D$. This distribution essentially models the rougheness of the material as far as I've understood. Given a direction $v$...
user8469759's user avatar
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Microfacet shading for diffuse materials

I recently replaced the Lambertian BRDF in my path-tracer with Oren-Nayar, under the assumption that I could adjust it to use the GGX distribution model with appropriate masking/shadowing. PBR ...
Paul Ferris's user avatar
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Phong Modified BRDF Implementation

According to: For a specular sample: (page 4 of the document) $$pdf(\theta_{i}) = \frac{n+1}{2\pi} \cos^n(a)$$ And this is how you choose an ...
Row Rebel's user avatar
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Intuitively understanding conservation of energy for the Lambertian BRDF

The Lambertian BRDF is defined as $R / \pi$, where the division by $\pi$ is there to maintain conservation of energy. The derivation is provided here. The maths makes sense, and I can understand ...
Paul Ferris's user avatar
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How can I implement this BSDF?

I am trying to implement a path tracer, but I have some problem. The class Spectrum is color. I implemented a mirror material like this: ...
bin guo's user avatar
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Where does the cosine factor comes from in the GGX PDF?

The GGX NDF, as it appears on the paper where it is presented is: $$D(m)=\frac{\alpha_g^2\space\chi^+(m\cdot n)}{\pi\cos^4(\theta_m)(\alpha_g^2+\tan^2(\theta_m))^2}$$ It is equivalent, in the range $...
Sebastián Mestre's user avatar
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fix over exposure in importance sampling in screen space reflections

I am having my first encounter with the rendering of indirect reflections in the form of screen space reflections in a game engine, but i am struggling to get correct looking results. (patterns arise ...
Sebastián Mestre's user avatar
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Roughness Remapping

I have been recently exploring physically-based rendering (PBR), but there is one part that still confuses me. I don't quite get roughness remapping, as described in the PBR section on Learn OpenGL. ...
Daniel Kareh's user avatar
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Diffuse BRDF component of the Disney BRDF

In the SIGGRAPH course: BURLEY B.: Physically Based Shading at Disney, SIGGRAPH 2012 Course: Practical Physically Based Shading in Film and Game Production, 2012. it is mentioned that some BRDF ...
Matthias's user avatar
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How to simulate specular reflection in Light Tracing?

I am implementing light tracing from this website. The right wall on the below image is perfect mirror(specular reflection). Its BRDF returns zero that's why it's been rendered black. But how is it ...
ali's user avatar
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