I recently replaced the Lambertian BRDF in my path-tracer with Oren-Nayar, under the assumption that I could adjust it to use the GGX distribution model with appropriate masking/shadowing.
PBR suggests this is't viable, though - Oren-Nayar is formulated without any clear $D$/$F$/$G$ parameters, and a note under the Torrance-Sparrow model states that "one of the nice things about the Torrance-Sparrow model is that the derivation doesn't depend on the particular microfacet distribution being used" (implying this isn't the case for Oren-Nayar).
If Oren-Nayar is extensible, how would I do that? I suspect I could replace my $\sigma$ values with an NDF taking some $\alpha$ parameter (effectively convolving against the implicit Gaussian in the Oren-Nayar definition), and multiply the evaluated Oren-Nayar function against $G$ to capture masked segments of $dA$, but won't this clash with assumptions made by the derivation? PBR states that the function natively accounts for Gaussian-distributed masking, so applying another function over the top should result in over-darkening...
If it isn't extensible, can I adjust Torrance-Sparrow instead? Locking $F(\omega_o)$ to $1$ should remove Fresnel effects, and the specular assumption can be negated by extracting the $d\omega_h = \frac{d\omega_o}{4\cos\theta_o}$ relationship to create the modified BRDF $f(\omega_o, \omega_i) = \frac{D(\omega_h)G(\omega_o,\ \omega_i)d\omega_h}{d\omega_o\cos\theta_o}$