I'm just getting started with ray tracing with DXR and I'm building some simple lighting with it. I've run into a slight issue; namely, that my game is set in space. Therefore the vast majority of all light rays miss regardless of the number of bounces. Currently I'm just using cosine weighting as I haven't implemented any reflections, specular, etc. When I place my spaceship even quite near the sun, then it looks pretty dark; even though I'm emitting pure white light, most samples miss.
I've experimented a bit with more of a shadow ray solution; sample the sun directly. Whilst this works well and produces some results that feel more appealing, if I imagine trying to scale this solution up further with 1 ray per light source, per bounce, it seems like it's going to be unmanagably slow, and I'm not totally sure how to combine the direct shadow ray result with the bounce result. So I could do this for dominant light sources, like 1-3 suns, but it won't apply for most light-emitting geometry.
I've looked at trying to crank the light emitted by the light source above 1, but this creates an enormous amount of noise and only works at quite limited distances. I'm hoping to achieve a solution that can works regardless of the distance to the light source.
I've considered using something like changing the sampling distribution, but I'm not sure if this resolves the issue as the maximum light you can receive from any given source is still capped by the sampling frequency as far as I understand it, so if I randomly sample the sun 50% of the time, it can't produce a brightness above 0.5.
Any suggestions for forcing objects to appear brighter than they otherwise should?