I'm in process of creating progressive path tracer using DX12 + DXR. I managed to create working raytracing code + pathtracing code with multiple bounces but I'm experiencing problems stated below (after full RT code):
void RayGen()
// Accumulate for limited amount of frames
if (g_giCB.maxFrames > 0 && g_giCB.accFrames >= g_giCB.maxFrames)
uint2 LaunchIndex = DispatchRaysIndex().xy;
uint2 LaunchDimensions = DispatchRaysDimensions().xy;
float4 normalAndDepth = NormalTextureInput.Load(int3(LaunchIndex, 0));
// No geometry hit - skip pixel and use skybox data
if (normalAndDepth.w == 0)
RTOutput[LaunchIndex] = albedoTexture.Load(int3(LaunchIndex, 0));
// Calculate primary ray direction
uint seed = initRand(LaunchIndex.x + LaunchIndex.y * LaunchDimensions.x, g_sceneCB.frameCount, 16);
uint seed2 = 0;
float2 offset = float2(0, 0);
if (g_giCB.samplingType == SAMPLE_UNIFORM)
seed2 = initRand(LaunchIndex.x + LaunchIndex.y * LaunchDimensions.x, g_sceneCB.frameCount, 17);
offset = HammersleyDistribution(g_giCB.accFrames, g_giCB.maxFrames, uint2(seed, seed2));
else if (g_giCB.samplingType == SAMPLE_MJ)
const uint pixelIdx = LaunchIndex.y * LaunchDimensions.x + LaunchIndex.x;
uint sampleSetIdx = 0;
offset = SamplePoint(pixelIdx, sampleSetIdx);
seed = pixelIdx;
seed2 = sampleSetIdx;
float3 primaryRayOrigin = g_sceneCB.cameraPosition.xyz;
float3 primaryRayDirection;
GenerateCameraRay(LaunchIndex, LaunchDimensions, g_sceneCB.projectionToWorld, primaryRayOrigin, primaryRayDirection, offset);
// Prepare payload
PayloadIndirect indirectPayload;
indirectPayload.color = float3(0, 0, 0);
indirectPayload.rndSeed = seed;
indirectPayload.rndSeed2 = seed2;
indirectPayload.pathLength = 0;
// Calculate pixel color in current pass and merge with previous frames
float4 finalColor = float4(shootIndirectRay(primaryRayOrigin, primaryRayDirection, 1e-3f, indirectPayload), 1.0f);
float4 prevScene = RTOutput[LaunchIndex];
finalColor = ((float) g_giCB.accFrames * prevScene + finalColor) / ((float) g_giCB.accFrames + 1.0f);
RTOutput[LaunchIndex] = finalColor;
void Miss(inout RayPayload payload : SV_RayPayload)
payload.vis = 1.0f;
void ClosestHit(inout PayloadIndirect payload, in BuiltInTriangleIntersectionAttributes attribs)
void MissIndirect(inout PayloadIndirect payload : SV_RayPayload)
// Use skybox as contribution if ray failed to hit geometry (right now, disabled for debug purposes)
float3 rayDir = WorldRayDirection();
rayDir.z = -rayDir.z;
if (g_giCB.useSkybox)
payload.color += skyboxTexture.SampleLevel(g_sampler, rayDir, 0).rgb;
void ClosestHitIndirect(inout PayloadIndirect payload, in BuiltInTriangleIntersectionAttributes attribs)
// Load hit data
float3 hitPos = WorldRayOrigin() + WorldRayDirection() * RayTCurrent();
float3 triangleNormal, triangleTangent, triangleBitangent;
loadHitData(triangleNormal, triangleTangent, triangleBitangent, attribs);
// Use white albedo for all textures (DEBUG version)
float4 albedo = albedoTexture.Load(int3(DispatchRaysIndex().xy, 0));
albedo = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
// Iterate over all lights
float lightsCount = g_lightCB.lightPositionAndType[15].w;
for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount; i++)
// Calculate each light data
float3 lightColor = g_lightCB.lightDiffuseColor[i].rgb;
float3 toLight = g_lightCB.lightPositionAndType[i].xyz - hitPos;
float distToLight = length(toLight);
toLight = normalize(toLight);
// Check visibility
float NoL = saturate(dot(triangleNormal.xyz, toLight));
float visibility = shadowRayVisibility(hitPos, toLight, 1e-3f, distToLight);
// Calculate light contribution to point in world (diffuse lambertian term)
payload.color += visibility * NoL * albedo.rgb * INV_PI;
if (g_giCB.useIndirect == 1)
// Continue spawning rays if path left has not reached maximum
if (payload.pathLength < g_giCB.bounceCount)
// Find next direction
float3 rayDirWS = float3(0, 0, 0);
if (g_giCB.samplingType == SAMPLE_UNIFORM)
float3x3 tangentToWorld = float3x3(triangleTangent, triangleBitangent, triangleNormal);
float2 hammersley = HammersleyDistribution(payload.pathLength, g_giCB.bounceCount, uint2(payload.rndSeed, payload.rndSeed2));
float3 rayDirTS = UniformSampleHemisphere(hammersley.x, hammersley.y);
rayDirWS = normalize(mul(rayDirTS, tangentToWorld));
else if (g_giCB.samplingType == SAMPLE_MJ)
float3x3 tangentToWorld = float3x3(triangleTangent, triangleBitangent, triangleNormal);
float2 brdfSample = SamplePoint(payload.rndSeed, payload.rndSeed2);
float3 rayDirTS = SampleDirectionCosineHemisphere(brdfSample.x, brdfSample.y);
rayDirWS = normalize(mul(rayDirTS, tangentToWorld));
else if (g_giCB.samplingType == SAMPLE_RANDOM)
rayDirWS = getCosHemisphereSample(payload.rndSeed, triangleNormal, triangleTangent, triangleBitangent);
// Prepare payload
PayloadIndirect newPayload;
newPayload.pathLength = payload.pathLength + 1;
newPayload.rndSeed = payload.rndSeed;
newPayload.rndSeed2 = payload.rndSeed2;
newPayload.color = float3(0, 0, 0);
// Calculate next ray bounce color contribution
float3 bounceColor = shootIndirectRay(hitPos, rayDirWS, 1e-3f, newPayload);
payload.color += bounceColor * albedo.rgb;
1. Image doesn't converge to ground truth over time
I am using only Lambertian BRDF term in my code, while implementing multi sampling schemes (Multi-Jittered sampling, Uniform sampling and random direction sampling). All of them provides similar results, hardly possible to distinguish. Here is an image generated with almost 5000 frames. It doesn't differ from image generated with about 100 frames. I am using albedo = (1,1,1) for all textures, for debug purposes in this image:
It looks even much more noisy when source of light is outside the window and the you can can never access light directly except primary ray (situation similar to described here - http://www.pbr-book.org/3ed-2018/Light_Transport_III_Bidirectional_Methods/Bidirectional_Path_Tracing.html ). Therefore I placed point light in the middle of room for simpler example.
I'm not suspecting my equation to be incorrect, because: $$ L_o(\textbf{p}, \mathbf{w_o}) = L_e + \int_{\Omega} L_i(\textbf{p}, \mathbf{w_i}) fr(\mathbf{w_o}, \mathbf{w_i}) \cos \theta d\omega $$
$$ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \frac{ L_i(\textbf{p}, \mathbf{w_k}) fr(\mathbf{w_k}, w_o) \cos \theta }{p(\mathbf{w_k})} $$
Monte Carlo equation above will be simplified, because I have single light with intensity = 1.0, so $L_i$ term will be terminated. BRDF for Lambertian diffuse is equal to NdotL (I'll be using notation $NoL$). PDF for sampling cosine hemisphere is $NoL / \pi$. Let's simplify equation for now:
$$ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \frac{ \cos \theta }{\pi} $$
Which is basically: $$ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \frac{ NoL }{\pi} $$
And translates to code as:
color = NoL * INV_PI;
However, we need to check if light $L$ that we're referring to is visible, therefore full equation, which could be seen in code is:
// Calculate light contribution to point in world (diffuse lambertian term)
payload.color += visibility * NoL * albedo.rgb * INV_PI;
Regarding sampling, I've tried multiple method, especially I was hopeful about Multi-Jittered sampling [Kensler2013]. I am using native implementation, copied from MJP's Path Tracer.
2. Oversaturation of albedo textures
Primary ray + single bounce image with albedo textures
Primary ray + 4 ray bounces image; Notice oversaturation of albedo textures
If I simplify code to the maximum, then ray bounces boils down to very few lines of code used in practice. The problem might be adding albedo too many times but I checked it for sure, and both MJP and cwyman are using same code for calculating path tracing (multiple bounces of rays).
void ClosestHitIndirect(inout PayloadIndirect payload, in BuiltInTriangleIntersectionAttributes attribs)
float4 albedo = // ...
// Use single light
float3 toLight = g_lightCB.lightPositionAndType[0].xyz - hitPos;
float distToLight = length(toLight);
toLight = normalize(toLight);
// Check visibility
float NoL = saturate(dot(triangleNormal.xyz, toLight));
float visibility = shadowRayVisibility(hitPos, toLight, 1e-3f, distToLight);
// Calculate light contribution to point in world (diffuse lambertian term)
payload.color += visibility * NoL * albedo.rgb * INV_PI;
if (g_giCB.useIndirect == 1)
// Continue spawning rays if path left has not reached maximum
if (payload.pathLength < g_giCB.bounceCount)
// Find next direction
float3 rayDirWS = // ... multiple lighting schemes, check full code above
// Prepare payload
PayloadIndirect newPayload;
newPayload.pathLength = payload.pathLength + 1;
newPayload.rndSeed = payload.rndSeed;
newPayload.rndSeed2 = payload.rndSeed2;
newPayload.color = float3(0, 0, 0);
// Calculate next ray bounce color contribution
float3 bounceColor = shootIndirectRay(hitPos, rayDirWS, 1e-3f, newPayload);
payload.color += bounceColor * albedo.rgb;
For now, I'd like to creating converging diffuse path tracer. I'll continue with Specular GGX in order to have a ground truth reference for Bidirectional Path Tracing and other methods, which can speed up converging rate of an image. Thanks in advance for all your advices.
Also, for future readers - I'd recommend checking questions below, which are related to the topic, but didn't manage to solve my problems:
- Is it expected that a naive path tracer takes many, many samples to converge?
- Non Real Time Raytracing
- Path tracing the Cook-Torrance BRDF
Edit after Nathan's Reed answer:
The oversaturated image looks better now. It looks a bit dull after moving from linear to sRGB space (following Nathan's order of exposure -> tone mapping -> linear_To_sRGB):
Primary ray + 4 ray bounces image; No skybox miss shader applied to fair comparison to oversaturated image before
However, I checked case with light source from the outside and I really like the result. There is a room for improvement, for sure, like adding some AA, moving to PBR (GGX). I doubt I'll have a time for that, but using BDPT and implementing soft shadows would definatelly improve case shown below:
To sum up for future reference: adding tone mapper (on top of existing exposure settings) and moving from linear to sRGB space helped with oversaturation. Using R16G16B16A16_FLOAT instead of R8B8G8A8_UNORM format for backbuffer and target output textures, solved problem with not converging images. In the future, R32G32B32A32_FLOAT might be used, but with my current DX12 setup, this format causes errors when used in backbuffer and I cannot change that for now. 4x16 format proved to be enough for now, so I'll stay with that.