Keep in mind, that I'm still learning and I have no professional capacity in terms of graphics programming. So you might want to continue research with provided resources.
t*#*: A register for a texture buffer (tbuffer).[1]
To start with - texture buffer is what you can see in hlsl code as: Texture2D texName : register(t0) or as Texture2D texName : register(t0, space0). If I remember correctly, spaces were added in DirectX 12, maybe they're available in DX 11.3, but that's different discussion. Back to my point - you're using texture buffer every time you're binding texture to your shader and sending texture data to GPU. Therefore, using PSSetShaderResources [2] will be most trivial usage of texture buffer, espacially in DX11 code. You can use constant buffer to store pixel data and then send it to GPU, but why should you bother, when Texture2D or TextureCube and other data structures are already in hlsl?
cbuffer (DX11/DX12) forces you to pack data in 32-bit groups [3]. You might have experienced it, if not, I encourage you to experiment a little. In the past I didn't follow this rules, having that packed like this, which causes problem with incorrect data in your shader:
cbuffer buf : register(b0)
float3 a;
// Here is where problem occurs
float2 b;
float3 c;
Correct packing rule would be:
cbuffer buf : register(b0)
float3 a;
float padding_a;
float2 b;
float2 padding_b;
float3 c;
float padding_c;
Of course, I am using worst possible example here, because correct data is 8 bytes and you're sending additional 4 bytes (whole hlsl vector) as padding. But you get an idea. It might be easier to sort data with bigger buffers, especially if you're using uber buffer in your hobby project.
Additional problem in DX12 is that cbuffer has to be 256-byte aligned [4], unless you're using root constants, which allows you to send not aligned data, but they have other limitation. I was only talking about them with other developer, so I don't really have sources except [5]. There was something about size of buffer and that root constants are working magic in AMD drivers, but it isn't something that I really need right now, as I am focusing on learning, not extreme optimization of code.
Shader Model 5 allows you to use new data structures [6]. I wasn't working with compute shaders, but for DXR hlsl code, I am using RTTexture2D as UAV. However, I am passing indices, vertices and RaytracingAccelerationStructure as texture buffers. I didn't see anyone to use those three as cbuffer. I guess it's possible, at least for indices and vertices, but I don't see a reason to do so:
RaytracingAccelerationStructure SceneBVH : register(t0);
ByteAddressBuffer indices : register(t1);
StructuredBuffer<Vertex> vertices : register(t2);
Indices are simply 16 or 32 bit index for accessing vertex data. I don't see a reason to hassle with creating cbuffer for single array and having to deal with padding and providing correct size of buffer. However, I am really interested if there is a reason to do it sometimes.
Same with vertices - in rasterization, you're using structure which don't have to follow packing rules e.g.:
struct VertexInputType
float3 position : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float3 tangent : TANGENT;
float3 binormal : BINORMAL;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
So for raytracing, I am just using struct with same data and I'm accesing it through structured buffer, regsitered as texture buffer:
struct Vertex
float3 position;
float3 normal;
float3 tangent;
float3 binormal;
float2 uv;
StructuredBuffer<Vertex> vertices : register(t2);
Regarding RaytracingAccelerationStructure - it's built-in hlsl type, no need to hassle with creating cbuffer.
I'm sorry for speaking from DX12, DXR perspective, but that's something that I'm currently working on, so it's a simplest way to provide examples from that area.