Questions tagged [transformations]

Transformations are mathematical operations that can be applied to an object to change its scale, position and orientation.

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How to determine the transformation matrix from given initial and transformed co-ordinates?

How to determine transformation matrix for an object given a graph? This is a problem indeed similar to this one. And I've approached it in the same way like there. Given: A line AB A(0,0),B(1,1). It ...
barnyard9's user avatar
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How apply 3d transformations on 3d Mesh vertcies

I have This 3D mesh class , I use helixToolKit SharpDX to display the mesh and transformations , but i want to apply these transformations to the vertcies dirctly so the mesh can be exported with ...
ahmed moussa's user avatar
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Create a tight frustum around a 3D model bounding volume

Tight frustum I intend to create a tight frustum around a 3D model: I have these variables: Inputs: 3D model bounding box or bounding sphere or bounding volume. To be determined: Eye distance and ...
Megidd's user avatar
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Pre and Post Multiplication World Space Transform Matrix ambiguity

I'm currently studying about world space transformation matrices and encountered some confusion regarding their application in different matrix orders (row major vs column major). Context In row major ...
makra's user avatar
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4x4 matrix to scale only one axis depending on another axis

I am trying to scale the value of the input vector along one axis depending on the value of the input vector along another axis, while leaving everything else unchanged. Given (pseudocode): ...
Beta Carotin's user avatar
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Animation issue using BVH data in OpenGL

I’m currently working on a project involving animation programming using OpenGL and BVH (Biovision Hierarchy) data for animation, and I am trying to get my head around it. I’ve run into some issues ...
blov's user avatar
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Avoiding gimbal lock in spherical movement around an object - Python

I am programming a camera viewer in Python to move around an object on a sphere given YPR Euler angles (intrinsic) from the user. Everything seemed nice until I pitched the camera 90 degrees up/down. ...
garma's user avatar
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Computer Graphics Previous Year Question asked in UGC NET 2021

What is the transformation matrix M that transforms a square in the x-y plane defined by (1, 1)T (-1, 1)T (-1, -1)T (1, -1)T to a parallelogram whose corresponding vertices are (2, 1)T (0,1)T (-2, -1)...
Rajesh Prajapati's user avatar
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How can I generate a reflectance map using a perspective camera?

In simple words, a reflectance map is a function f(n) that map a surface patch with normal n to its reflected radiance given a ...
Zhe Chen's user avatar
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Calculating world coordinates of a pixel from a camera picture

Sorry for this question. I know there are many similar questions but I really know nothing about math that involves this case. I have a picture taken from a camera. I know some information about this ...
Magno C's user avatar
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Normal Map Under rotation Issue

I have been trying to apply normal maps to a rotating sphere with light shining directing from above the sphere (0,1,0). but lighting does not look correct under rotation as one side of the sphere ...
Sina Dasht's user avatar
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Rendering light balls: Where to do perspective calculations?

After rewatching Bisqwit's starfield renderer video, I've decided to try to rewrite the program in order to learn more about compute shaders and shader programming in general. My knowledge at this ...
mindoverflow's user avatar
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Non Uniform Scaling vs Shear in Image Transformation

I am reading computer graphics. I am unable to distinguish between Non-uniform Scaling and Shear. Can someone explain the difference with two different examples?
Kumar's user avatar
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Converting points, vectors, normals between world and object space for a ray tracer gives weird results

I'm writing a ray tracer but having trouble converting rays and normals between world space and object space. I am creating a Ray, then transforming it with transformation matrices, calculating ...
Cedric's user avatar
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How to apply transformation matrices from multiple primitives on a mesh

I'm working on some code to convert a 3d geometry from IFC to gltf/glb. One of the challenges I'm facing with this is that - IFC provides transformations for each primitive separately i.e., if I have ...
Gangula's user avatar
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Camera Perspective of 2D X/Y Plane

I'll start with the coordinate system I'm trying to use: If I were standing on the ground, facing north, the x axis is a line moving from the west to the east (positive X is east). Positive y is ...
Helpful's user avatar
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How to apply a linear transformation to gltf data

I am trying to transform the mesh data in a gltf file and then modify the skin and animation data accordingly. Let's say we want to transform the data using a 4x4 homogeneous matrix. For ...
Makogan's user avatar
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OpenGL - How to increase view space coordinate range in X and Y axis

I'm trying to render some objects but apparently X and Y coordinates need to be really small in-order to get something on screen. See this example of 2 lines The world space coordinates for these ...
gallickgunner's user avatar
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Translation from object space to the world space

I’m stuyding computer animation with this book, Computer animation by The Morgan Kaufmann series. The explanation for translation from object space to world space is difficult to understand. In more ...
Avocardreaming's user avatar
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Alignment of the plane coordinate system with the square is similarity transformation

I'm reading the book "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" of Hartley and Zisserman. There was something I was unable to understand correctly. Here's the example where K denotes ...
H. Kwak's user avatar
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Perlin noise is mysteriously ignored when the pattern is rotated 45 degrees

I am creating different coloring patterns for my CPU raytracer, such as checker, gradient, ring, stripe pattern etc. The problems started when I tried to create a perturbation pattern (of a subpattern)...
Ave Milia's user avatar
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Confusion surrounding Gimbal Lock

I'm having difficult understanding the issue with gimbal lock, namely why so many diagrams show an aircraft in apparent gimbal lock unable to turn about an axis conventionally, using yaw/pitch/roll. ...
pstatix's user avatar
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Finding Camera projection matrix from known input and output

Lets say I have a rectangle with known coordinates in 3D scene, and I'm projecting it using pin point camera to the plane (screen). You can imagine it deforms on the screen per camera transformation ...
Eduard Kovalets's user avatar
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Understanding camera of a CPU raytracer from "Ray tracer challenge"

I am following a book "Ray tracer challenge" by Buck, but it doesn't explain anything. The code works, but I don't properly understand, why. The code is as follows: ...
Ave Milia's user avatar
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View rotation matrix

Im unsure about how I could describe what im trying to achieve in few words or a title so ill go on to describe it. So I have voxel, in 3D space, represented solely by its center. The voxel though, is ...
kaelundeen's user avatar
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How to determine transformation matrix for an object given a graph?

I am given this image: and asked to determine the transformation matrix that took me from ΑΒΓΔΕ(let's call it ABCDE for convenience) to Α'Β'Γ'Δ'Ε' (A'B'C'D'E'). I am also given the solution, so as to ...
riverwastaken's user avatar
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Convert one triangle to another in matrix4x4?

The context openGL instances learning. I want to transform a reference triangle to another one. So final goal is to have one triangle and the instance being a transformation of that initial triangle. ...
Kroma's user avatar
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What are viewport transformation matrixes for this coordinate system?

I have a set of vertexes (x, y, z) in normalized device coordinates. Its x, y, and z values are in the range (-1, 1). Normalized device coordinates use the left-handed coordinate system, as shown ...
Jimmy Yang's user avatar
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What is view transformation and model transformation respectively? How do I implement each transformation in simple opengl program?

I want to know what is view transformation, and what is model transformation respectively, and what methods/functions in opengl could be applied to implement each transformation. Just simple ways to ...
kji's user avatar
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What fields should a camera class have?

For a good and scalable project structure, what fields would you add to a camera class, apart from its position and orientation? Should I add the near and far planes? Or should that be global, what ...
Karlos's user avatar
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Confused with Coordinate Transformations

I'm studying coordinate transformations from the book Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics - Peter Shirley, Steve Marschner The book first shows It then says: "We call this matrix the frame-to-...
Essam's user avatar
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How to translate screen coordinates of a 3d point as the viewport size changes assuming camera state remains constant?

Okay, so let's say I have a point in 3d. And I have a camera state. That is, I know the camera position, the camera target and the camera up vector. I am using the perspective projection to get the ...
Tanay Karnik's user avatar
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Raytracing and transformation

So I'm looking at incorporating instancing to my ray tracer. However what I would like some insight on is what to apply the transformation to?. Most suggest to apply the inverse transformation to the ...
Sina Dasht's user avatar
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How bits transformed into graphics?

recently i started studying computer science and computer graphics, and one question really haunts me. Mby someone can explain this. How bit patterns become translated into (for example ) text. I know ...
Artyom Vorontsov's user avatar
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Is it possible to separate or split original images (or videos) from a blend image (or video)

The title says it all. Blended image or video contains multiple image or video blended on top of each other. I am looking for any software or tools that can separate the original images or videos. ...
Ahmed Abdullah's user avatar
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Receiver plane depth bias - matrix explanation / derivation

This source on slide 38 on receiver plane depth bias I can find compute a matrix (Jacobian of screen space uv derivatives) which is used to transform the screen space depth derivatives from screen ...
cg_guy420's user avatar
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Can an aspect ratio be shortened to one value, best practise

I want to make a program that, for starters, list all image files in a folder and writes a warning if one dimension is (i.e.) double (2x) the other dimension, regardless of "image orientation&...
Valter Ekholm's user avatar
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3D homogenous coordinates versus 4D homogenous coordinates

We know that any 2D point $(x, y) $which represents as 3D homogeneous coordinates is of the form $(x, y, 1)$ which is the points of projective plane $P^2.$ If I use the same concepts for 3D points $(...
S. M.'s user avatar
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Perspective transformation is perspective projection? [duplicate]

I know that ( Reference )in transformation source and destination has same coordinates dimensions. But in projection destination coordinate system has fewer dimensions than the source coordinate ...
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5 answers

Existence of vanishing point

Consider the following example of perspective projection: I have one railway track with two parallel lines meeting at the point $X$ at infinity which is the theoretical approach. This X is called the ...
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3D shearing w. r. t $x$-axis [closed]

Shearing in $X$ axis is achieved by using the following shearing equations- $X_{new} = X_{old}, Y_{new} = Y_{old} + Sh_y × X_{old}, Z_{new} = Z_{old} + Sh_z × X_{old}.$ My question is during $Y_{new}...
user avatar
3 votes
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Difference between 2D and 3D pipeline

2D transformation and viewing: The camera projects the 2D world co-ordinate $(x_w, y_w)$ on its projection plane which co-ordinates $(x_v, y_v)$. 3D transformation and viewing: The camera projects the ...
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How to Achieve Radial Rendering

I'm making a POV fan and would like to display some simple graphics in real-time on it. I have a working naive solution with OpenGL, but I'm maxing out at 7 fps rending a simple cube on a raspberry pi ...
Alex Charters's user avatar
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Parallel projection is special case of perspective projection

I synchronized with @David k's first and second answer regarding perspective and parallel projection. From the first question I understand that the image on the screen is typically described in ...
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Difference between transformation and projection? [closed]

We know that world coordinates $(x_w, y_w)$ transform to viewport coordinates $(x_v, y_v)$ which are the physical device coordinates. And during projection, any point $(x, y, z)$ projects to $(x, y)$ ...
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Why shearing coefficients multiplying by y? [closed]

We know that shear is transformation that distorts the shape of the object. Shear relative to X-axis that is $y=0$ line can be written as: $x'=x+sh_x.y, y'=y$ My question is why $sh_x$ is multiplying ...
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Gimbal lock confusion

I am trying to understand exactly what is happening when Gimbal lock occurs. I have read many explanations now which provide the high-level idea, in that Gimbal lock occurs when two axes are aligned ...
John Rowlay's user avatar
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How do I perform a perspective transform on a straight line?

I'm trying to make a software renderer, but I want to avoid creating extra triangles with clipping. For this I want to transform lines which compose triangles, instead of individual points. However I'...
user369070's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm for mesh scale adjustment based on the scale of another mesh

I have a mesh (Mesh-A) with a bounding box of some arbitrary size defined by X,Y,Z scale. In runtime I import another mesh (Mesh-B),which has an overall topology similar to the Mesh-A, but it can have ...
Michael IV's user avatar
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Proprietary 3D Format Reverse Engineering: What Could These Numbers And Matrices Represent?

I'm trying to reverse engineer a model format from an older Russian game (Pathologic) with limited success. It is a proprietary model format not recognized by any converters/editing tools (believe me, ...
Xtal44's user avatar
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