Questions tagged [radiosity]

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Directly Sampling an Area Light

So in my path tracer I sample both some bounce ray given an importance function for the current BRDF, and if applicable (reflection is non-specular) I directly sample all light sources (for my ...
Chris Gnam's user avatar
2 votes
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How is Aperture and Pixel Size accounted for in calculating received power using ray tracing?

NOTE: Deleting the question to rephrase it after continuing to read other responses and toy around with it: I've written a path tracer and am now working on implementing a physically accurate way of ...
Chris Gnam's user avatar
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Albedo image map to color's Light Reflectance Value (LRV)

In many datasets in the literature of both Computer Vision and Computer Graphics there is the albedo map of a scene represented as RGB images, which in principle corresponds to the diffuse reflecting ...
ttsesm's user avatar
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Which technique should be used for rendering under water images, Ray tracing or Radiosity?

Rendering is the process of computing a three-dimensional geometric description of a scene into a two-dimensional image representation that looks real. Ray-tracing and Radiosity are two of the most ...
faizan ahmed's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What is the purpose of the projected solid angle $dA^\perp$ term in the definition of Radiance?

In the definition of Radiance, which according to PBRT is defined as flux per unit solid angle $d\omega$ per unit projected area $dA^\perp$ $$L_i=\frac{d\Phi}{d\omega\ dA^\perp}$$ My original ...
eclmist's user avatar
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Radiosity normal map light baking

I'm trying to implement radiosity normal maps from the old Valve paper: Half-Life® 2 / Valve Source™ Shading.pdf | I've tried generating the light maps using Vray and 3dStudio max, ...
Dusan Bosnjak 'pailhead''s user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to calculate attenuation and radiance in PBR? (point and directional lights)

I would like implement physically based rendering, following this tutorial I was able to find a list of light sources ordered by lumens, but I have no idea how to use it in the calculations. ...
Iter Ator's user avatar
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Radiance at a nearly perpendicular angle is almost infinite?

As far as I understand, radiance is a measure of the "intensity" of light in a direction defined as a differential cone . It's measure is Flux per solid angle per projected area. $L = \frac{d\Phi}{d\...
Ganea Dan Andrei's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to adapt diffuse/GI light mapper to directional light maps?

I have a working light mapper that captures global illumination. I evaluate a hemisphere when collecting the data and store the result in the texel. However, I want to support directional lightmaps so ...
Steven's user avatar
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Calculating intensities of Virtual Point Lights in Instant Radiosity from IES lights

Short introduction I created a function that interpolates the IES luminious intensities (candelas) using Hermite interpolation, so in my code all light sources have $I(\theta, \phi)$ function - but ...
George Wilson's user avatar
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Form Factors confusion in Radiosity papers

I feel a bit confused about the use of $F_{ij}$ and $F_{ji}$ in Radiosity papers. $F_{ij}$ should be the fraction of energy leaving patch $i$ that arrives at patch $j$. If you take the original ...
cesss's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to implement Texture Baking?

So currently I want to implement radiosity in my engine. After figuring out the amount of light that bounces between elements/disks/patches (I've been told disks are the best - correct me if I'm wrong)...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is Radiosity?

After reading a wikipedia article about Global Illumination It mentions a variety of techniques like Ray Tracing, Path Tracing and Ambient Occlusion. One technique it mentions is Radiosity which I don'...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Problem with definition of BSDF and radiance

When I was reading theory behind physical based rendering I noticed that definition of BSDF and radiance has some problems. For example BSDF of purely specular surfaces is zero almost everywhere and ...
tom's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How does the view-independence of radiosity increase the calculations involved?

In the style of trichoplax' question, I want to talk about yet another Wikipedia article: Radiosity (computer graphics). The article states: Radiosity is viewpoint independent, which increases the ...
David Kuri's user avatar
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Are there specific techniques for generating False Radiosity in surfaces?

I thought of this after my radiosity vs ray tracing question. A radiosity algorithm seems to require increased calculations because it's viewpoint independent and therefore, false radiosity was born (...
Armfoot's user avatar
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Radiosity VS Ray tracing

Radiosity is basically what allows this: In a tutorial of Cornell University about Radiosity it is mentioned that: A ray-traced version of the image shows only the light reaching the viewer by ...
Armfoot's user avatar
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